IKL60 Barrier Louvre

IKL60 Barrier Louvre
Product Description
Designed to cover areas where fall from height is an issue
60mm twin wall Brise Soleil extruded aluminium blades
Fully welded 63mm X 38mm X 3.2mm outerframe
Pitch—can be varied project specific
Blade angle—can be varied between 45 and 90 degree
Maximum free area varies depending on blade angle and pitch
Standard and special RAL or BS colours available
Product Testing
Impact resistance to BS EN 13049:2003 achieving Class 5 (Wintech Report No R14340-2)
Impact resistantto BS6180:2011- Building Regulation Approved Part K2 (BRE Report No’s P118151-1000 & P118151-1001)
Wind resistance to BS EN12211:2000 and BS EN 12210:2000 achieving Class 4, tested project specific to 2210 pascals.
Impact resistance BS EN 13049:sample 1000 x 2500, 60mm pitch 45 degree angle
Impact resistance BS 6180: sample 1200 x 2500, 60mm pitch 45 and 90 degree angle
Wind resistance sample 1200 x 2850, 60mm pitch 45 degree angle